Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince!

I LOVED IT! I thought it was AMAZING! It killed all of the other Harry Potters easy. They just keep getting better from the last ones. It was really funny, but at the right time. Like when it was supposed to be serious, it was serious. When it was funny it was funny.

One of my favorite characters, Bellatrix, was in fine form. That actress amazes me. She hadeverything from "I killed Sirius Black! Try to come and get me!" to her dancing on Hogwart's tables breaking all sorts of things. Seriously, I love to hate her. And I also welcome a relatively new and freaky member of the cast, Greyback. We don't know this yet, but Greyback's a werewolf over all werewolves. And no, I'm not talking about the stupid 'if I get mad watch out' shape shifting wannabes of the Twilight world. Nope, I'm talking full moon, bite you and you turn into one, can't control themselves, werewolves. It's refreshing.

And can I say FINALLY!? Finally I get some Draco Malfoy! This was his biggest part by a long shot! He is definitely my favorite character! Tom Felton is such a good actor. When he was crying I almost started to tear up! Then stupid Harry ruined it by interrupting him about how evil he was for cursing that chick. Doesn't Harry see how hard Malfoy's life is? Malfoy was crying about it! Malfoy's just trying to protect his family. But when Malfoy attacked him, I was so happy. He should of had him, but then Harry did the whole Half Princes' curse for enemies on him without knowing what it would do! You idiot! Don't they teach them in Hogwarts to first know what a spell does before cursing someone with it? (If you didn't know, that spell cuts threw you like a invisible blade. Sounds fun huh?) It leaves huge gashes everywhere and basically you bleed to death really fast.If Snape hadn't been the one to have actually created that spell, Malfoy would have died. Snape was the only one in the world to know how to fix it. What if he hadn't been there soon enough? Then how'd you feel Harry? Mr. I Wont Even Kill Wormtail Who Lead Voldemort To My Parents. Yeah Harry! Then you would've KILLED Malfoy. And then I would've thrown the book up against the wall and never have seen the movie or read the last book.

Of course Snape was amazing as usual! It's fun how the people who haven't read the books don't know what Dumbledore mean when he begs "Please," to Snape when Snape's about to kill him. Most people would think he's pleading for his life. We, on the other hand, know otherwise. So basically, I love that movie! Plus I got to see a teaser for The Lightning Thief! Score! The dude who's playing Percy seems perfect for that role! Anyway, Harry Potter 6 rocks!

1 comment:

Solana said...

K, Danny and I saw it Saturday. I really wish we would've had a Harry Potter movie marathon to remind ourselves what was going on since I spent the better part of the beginning scenes trying to remember what the heck was going on. And then I totally forgot that they end the book with just talking about the horacrux quest...not actually going! But yea, seeing the movie reminded me how much I love the books!!!! And I agree about Bellatrix. What a freak of nature...good actress.