Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Force is Strong in Slytherins.

Alright, so I haven't posted here in... a while. But that's because I'm lazy. And I haven't had anything to write about. That you people can read anyway. But now I've finally found something! Now you ask, what is this subject that I have chosen to write about after months and months of a blog hiatus?


But not just any clubs, school clubs! Or more specifically, Red Devil SHS Clubs. You see, I've never really been a fan of clubs. Yeah it's cool to hang out with people that have your same interests and it's good to get involved and yada yada yada... but I've never really gotten into it. I also haven't really been in any clubs. Well I've actually gone to the first couple meetings of multiple clubs (PTSA, FCCLA, Interact, and Key) but nothing's really stuck. Now I've finally found out why!

Our school just doesn't have any interesting clubs! In good ol MMHS (MMmmmmHS) they have Harry Potter Club and Jedi Club and other awesome things. I guess Springville kids are just to cool for that kind of stuff. Which is lame. I want to be in the HP club (as long as I'm in Slytherin) and I've wanted to be a Jedi forever (who doesn't, I mean come on)! Not cool man, not cool.

So that's my new excuse for being an anti-clubist. Well it's either that or I just can't do clubs having to do with service, which makes me a horrible person. Hmm. I think I'm just gonna blame it on the lack of cool clubs. "I'm trying to be good, life's just not letting me."


Solana said...

You could try starting a Harry Potter club at Springville High...

Anonymous said...

I like that when you finally blog you decide to hate on Springville. And you call me a hater!? ;)
But I dunno, that one club we tried was pretty cool.. I mean, you got a free slice of pizza.. and a business card!

Emilye Messerly said...

Your final quote made this post. LOVE IT. How many times can we quote that before it gets old? Also you should just follow in my example...being involved in your school is just overrated ;)

Anonymous said...

Dad enjoys your blog!! Love Dad

Melanye said...

Now I understand why Bo hasn't written on her blog for months...she realized Dad is reading it!! :)