Thursday, June 4, 2009

Writer's Mood-Swings

So, today I decided to write about what I like to call, 'Writer's Mood-Swings' catchy title huh? Basically, at least for me, as I write a story I have many different phases or moods. Some phases are more like impulses to write something with a certain theme in my story, based on my mood usually. Like if I wanted a fight scene or something. Then the next day when I'm in a calmer mood I end up deleting the whole thing. It's a great use of my time. I think all writers have different mood-swings... mine are interesting.

They consist of:

1. When you reread your story and all you can think about is how crappy it is. And how no one would ever want to read it.

2. When you get inspiration at like midnight, role out of bed, and find any scratch of paper to write on barely legible on. (My scribblings have been found in the morning on lint roller wrappers, an actually lint roller, candy wrappers, colorful paper, on top of other writings of mine, and more.)

3. When you have a great idea but can't quite get it into words or how a character would say it.

4. When you want to introduce a new character, but you don't know how to show his/her personality like you want to. (Maybe that's what happened to Stephine Meyer when she wrote about Jacob. She wanted him to be nicer, and cuter, and just a better person, but didn't know how to show it!)

5. When you can't think of the word or the right sentence! That probably happens to me the most, I hate it!

6. When you look at the very short, incomplete story and ask why do you even try? Why don't you just give up?

7. When you love your story so much you stay up all hours of the night until the computer actually freaks out. (Seriously, word hates me now. It doesn't let me type if I go on to long.)

8. When you can't decide which way you want the story to go. I then end up writing two or more completely different options. That happens to me on a daily bases!


badknee said...

wow!! what a problem!! one that you didnt have was...

when i get too lazy to write what i want to be written, then i just want to give up all together!!

that is my worst.....i just get too lazy!!

Emilye Messerly said...

Wow, Britt I knew you were a great writer, but I had no idea you had such great taste in graphics. :) I mean those three pictures just really set the mood. They caught your eye and kept you I love our inside jokes :)

Solana said...

You're obviously saying that you put in those graphics, Em, everyone can see that:)
Britt, laughed out loud three times, and I'm having a rough day, so pretty awesome post. I LOVE that you've written on a lint roller. Good luck with the stories! I'd love to read them someday if you didn't jump me everytime I neared the computer when you're writing:)

Brittanye said...

Yeah! I love comments! Beth, you are so right! Sometimes I just don't want to write! Em, you slay me :)! I love that Ana called you on it (and Seinfeld is always appreciated), great stuff! It's true Ana, I do tend to want my privacy... a lot. I don't know who to trust, you could pull something and steal my idea! :) Hey, I'm on number 5 and a little of 3 right now btw! I should add how when one of those kind happen I distract myself with other things.